Scheda elettronica originale C00270972 modulo lavatrice Hotpoint Ariston Indesit
Scheda elettronica / Modulo controllo lavatrice, ricambio originale Hotpoint Ariston Indesit codice C00270972
Scheda : Computime , CODE : 215010229.02
Il modulo potrebbe non essere prontamente disponibile per la spedizione, accertarsi della disponibilità mandando un messaggio o chiamando prima.
Viene fornito in base ai codici a barre dell'elettrodomestico, che fornirete in fase di acquisto (si veda la targhetta con i codici a barre riportate sul prodotto).
N.B Potrebbe capitare che con l'arrivo della scheda nuova, potrebbero esserci delle piccole differenze con la vecchia. Questo perchè la vostra scheda potrebbe essere di produzione precedente alla nuova.
Per conoscere se il ricambio risulta adatto al vostro elettrodomestico e per la programmazione del software, è NECESSARIO inviare il codice industriale a 11 cifre e il Serial Number (S/N) a 9 cifre, presenti nel codice a barre. Tali dati sono riportati sul libretto di garanzia, sulla parte posteriore della lavatrice, all'interno dello sportellino del filtro (in caso di carica dall'alto), oppure aprendo la porta all'interno della cornice oblò.
Si prega inoltre di fornire un recapito telefonico da rilasciare al corriere in caso di necessità.
Per qualsiasi domanda o informazione su schede, o altre parti di ricambio, non esitate a contattarci
Electronic board / Washing machine control module, original Hotpoint Ariston Indesit spare part code C00270972
Card: Computime, CODE: 215010229.02
The form may not be readily available for shipment, please check availability by texting or calling first.
It is supplied based on the barcodes of the appliance, which you will provide at the time of purchase (see the plate with the barcodes on the product).
N.B It could happen that with the arrival of the new card, there could be some small differences with the old one. This is because your card may be from previous production to the new one.
To find out if the spare part is suitable for your appliance and to program the software, it is NECESSARY to send the 11-digit industrial code and the 9-digit Serial Number (S / N), present in the bar code. These data are shown in the guarantee booklet, on the back of the washing machine, inside the filter door (in case of top loading), or by opening the door inside the porthole frame.
Please also provide a telephone number to be given to the courier in case of need.
For any questions or information on boards, or other spare parts, do not hesitate to contact us
lista modelli interessati:
modello codice commerciale codice industriale ARTF1047RU F076417 73764170000 73764170100 73764170200 ARTF1047RU(ARCADIA) F067264 91672640085 91672640100 ARTF104EU/HA F076917 73769170000 ARTF104EUHA(ARCADIA) F060211 91602110085 ARTL1047RU F076416 73764160000 73764160100 ARTL1047RU(ARCADIA) F067263 91672630085 91672630200 ARTL104EU F076906 73769060000 ARTL104EU(ARCADIA) F060209 91602090185 91602090200 ARTL120FR(ARCADIA) F062165 91621650085 ARTL827RU(ARCADIA) F068538 91685380085 ARTL82EX F076909 73769090000 ARTL82EX(ARCADIA) F062173 91621730085 ARTL837RU F076418 73764180000 ARTL837RU(ARCADIA) F067271 91672710085 ARTL83EU F076960 73769600000 ARTL83EU(ARCADIA) F060611 91606110185 IWB5065BIT F061946 46619460000 IWB5065EU F061945 46619450000 IWB5083CIS F061947 24619470000 24619470005 24619470500 IWB5103CIS F061950 24619500000 24619500005 24619500500 IWB5105EU F061951 46619510000 46619510100 46619510200 46619510300 IWB5113UK F067028 46670280000 46670280100 46670280200 IWB5123UK F067029 46670290000 IWB5123UKB F074756 46747560000 IWB5125EU F061953 46619530000 IWB6063EU F061954 46619540000 IWB6065BAG F062843 46628430000 IWB6065EU F061955 46619550000 IWB6065GR F073543 46735430000 IWB6065KW F062842 46628420000 IWB60830EU F074820 46748200000 46748200100 IWB6085CIS F061956 24619560000 24619560005 24619560500 24619560600 24619560700 24619560800 IWB6095BAG F062846 46628460000 IWB6103EU F061957 46619570000 46619570100 46619570200 IWB6105CIS F061959 24619590000 24619590005 24619590500 24619590600 24619590800 IWC5083CIS F061967 24619670000 24619670005 24619670500 IWC5085BIT F061969 46619690000 IWC5085EU F061968 46619680000 IWC5103CIS F061970 24619700000 24619700005 24619700500 IWC5105BIT F061972 46619720000 IWC5105ECOEE F069580 46695800000 IWC5105EU F061971 46619710000 46619710200 IWC5105FR F062847 46628470000 46628470100 IWC5125EU F067084 46670840000 IWC5125FR F062848 46628480000 46628480100 IWC6083EU F061974 46619740000 IWC6085BCIS F061975 24619750000 24619750005 24619750500 24619750600 24619750800 IWC6085BIND F062849 46628490000 IWC6085BIT F061977 30619770000 IWC6085SEU F062618 30626180000 IWC6086ECOIT F073667 30736670000 IWC6093EU F061979 46619790000 46619790100 IWC6095EX60HZ F062850 46628500000 46628500100 IWC6103EU F061981 46619810000 46619810100 IWC61050TK F074823 46748230000 46748230100 IWC61051ECOPL F076040 30760400000 IWC6105BCIS F061992 24619920000 24619920005 24619920500 24619920800 IWC6105BIT F061993 30619930000 IWC6105DE F061983 46619830000 IWC6105EU F061987 30619870000 30619870100 F069240 80692400000 IWC6105FR F062855 46628550000 46628550100 IWC6105PL F068228 30682280000 IWC6105SEU F061994 30619940000 IWC6105UK F069088 46690880000 IWC6106ECOIT F073666 30736660000 IWC61251FR F069198 30691980000 IWC6125BIT F061999 30619990000 IWC6125SFR F062625 30626250000 30626250100 IWC6125SUK F062630 30626300000 30626300100 IWC7085EU F062004 30620040000 30620040100 IWC7105BEU F061479 30614790000 30614790100 IWC7105BEU.C F069948 80699480000 IWC7105ECOEU F072420 30724200000 IWC7105EU F062005 30620050000 30620050100 IWC7105EX60HZ F062648 30626480000 30626480100 IWC7105FR F062651 30626510000 30626510100 30626510200 IWC7105KW F062656 30626560000 IWC7105SEX60HZ F062659 30626590000 30626590100 IWC7115EU F062661 30626610000 30626610100 30626610200 IWC7123EU F062007 30620070000 30620070100 30620070200 IWC7125EU F062075 30620750000 30620750100 30620750200 IWC7125FR F062667 30626670000 30626670100 30626670200 IWC7125FR.C F069951 80699510000 IWC7125SEU F062008 30620080000 30620080100 30620080200 30620080300 IWD5085CIS F062899 24628990000 24628990005 24628990500 24628990600 24628990700 IWD5085EU F062884 46628840000 46628840100 IWD5085PL F069752 46697520000 IWD5105CIS F062900 24629000000 24629000005 24629000500 24629000600 IWD5105ECOEE F069583 46695830000 IWD5105EU F062885 46628850000 46628850100 IWD5105FR F062886 46628860000 IWD5105PL F069751 46697510000 IWD5123UK F068535 46685350000 IWD5125EU F062887 46628870000 IWD5125FR F062888 46628880000 IWD6085EU F062890 46628900000 IWD6103WE F069468 46694680000 IWD61051ECOEE F074819 30748190000 IWD61051ECOPL F075796 30757960000 IWD6105BAG F062892 46628920000 IWD6105BIND F062893 46628930000 46628930100 IWD6105EU F062686 30626860000 30626860100 30626860200 IWD6105FR F062891 46628910000 IWD6105PL F069750 30697500000 IWD6105SLCIS.L F073725 24737250600 24737250800 IWD61250KUK F076183 30761830000 IWD61251FR F069199 30691990000 IWD6125DE F068788 30687880000 IWD6125EU F062687 30626870000 30626870100 30626870200 IWD6125SFR F062688 30626880000 IWD7085BEU F062928 30629280000 30629280100 IWD7085BGR F073542 30735420000 IWD7105BAUS F062689 30626890000 IWD71250SUK F074744 30747440000 IWD71250UK F074743 30747430000 IWD7125BEU F062931 30629310000 IWD7125ECOEE F072559 30725590000 IWD7125EU F062930 30629300000 30629300100 IWD7125FR F062690 30626900000 30626900100 IWD7125SFR F062691 30626910000 30626910100 IWE6105BCIS F062025 24620250000 24620250005 24620250500 24620250600 24620250800 IWME126UK F062465 80624650000 80624650085 IWME12EU F051603 80516030000 80516030085 IWME8EU F052807 80528070000 80528070085 IWSB5063CIS F062862 24628620000 24628620005 IWSB5065EU F062863 46628630000 IWSB5085CIS F062908 24629080000 24629080005 24629080500 IWSB5093CIS F062909 24629090000 24629090005 24629090500 24629090600 IWSB5105CIS F062910 24629100000 24629100005 24629100500 24629100600 24629100666 24629100700 24629100701 24629100797 IWSB5105EU F062878 46628780000 IWSB5105UZ F077006 24770060000 24770060000 24770060100 24770060100 IWSC4085ECOEU F069518 46695180000 IWSC4085EU F062054 46620540000 46620540100 IWSC4105ECOEE F069519 46695190000 IWSC4105EU F062055 46620550000 46620550100 46620550200 IWSC4105PL.L F076043 24760430000 IWSC5085CIS F062911 24629110000 24629110005 24629110500 24629110600 IWSC5085EU F062056 46620560000 46620560100 IWSC5085PL F069755 46697550000 IWSC5085SLCIS F062912 24629120000 24629120005 24629120500 24629120600 IWSC5086ECOIT F073883 46738830000 IWSC5105CIS F062913 24629130000 24629130005 24629130500 24629130600 IWSC5105EU F062058 46620580000 46620580100 46620580200 46620580300 IWSC5105PL F069641 46696410000 IWSC5105SLCIS F062914 24629140000 24629140005 24629140500 24629140600 IWSC5125DE F062879 46628790000 IWSC5125EU F063113 46631130000 46631130100 IWSC5125UK F069084 46690840000 IWSC5126ECOIT F073884 46738840000 IWSC6085CIS F076774 24767740000 24767740002 IWSC6105CIS F076772 24767720000 24767720001 IWSD4105ECOEE F069517 46695170000 46695170100 IWSD4105EU F062880 46628800000 46628800100 IWSD4105PL F069756 46697560000 IWSD4105PL.L F076042 24760420000 IWSD5085CIS F062906 24629060000 24629060005 24629060500 24629060600 IWSD5105CIS F062907 24629070000 24629070005 24629070500 IWSD5125EU F062882 46628820000 IWSD5125PL F069754 46697540000 IWSD6085CIS F075289 24752890600 IWSD6105BCIS.L F075247 24752470000 24752470600 IWSD6105CIS F075288 24752880000 IWSE6105BCIS.L F075248 24752480600 IWSE6105CIS F078875 24788750000 24788750002 IWUB4085CIS F062915 24629150000 24629150005 24629150500 IWUB4105CIS F062916 24629160000 24629160005 24629160500 24629160600 IWUC4085CIS F062917 24629170000 24629170005 24629170500 IWUC4105CIS F062918 24629180000 24629180005 24629180500 24629180600 24629180666 24629180700 24629180701 24629180702 24629180797 IWUC4105EU F062919 24629190005 IWUD4085CIS F062920 24629200000 24629200005 24629200500 24629200700 IWUD4105CIS F062921 24629210000 24629210005 24629210500 24629210700 IWUD4105EU F062922 24629220000 24629220005 24629220100 24629220500 IWUD4105PL F074817 24748170000 IWUE4105CIS F062924 24629240000 24629240005 24629240500 24629240600 24629240700 MISE605CIS F079934 24799340000 24799340002 MISK605CIS F079901 24799010000 24799010002 WIN100TK F046480 46464800100 46464800103 46464800185 WIN101EU F046484 46464840100 46464840200 46464840203 46464840285 WIN101EX F046458 46464580100 46464580103 46464580185 46464580200 WIN102EX F046482 46464820100 46464820200 46464820203 46464820285 WIN102PL F046481 46464810100 46464810103 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